
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’ve started a blog several times and never have had the right words or been in the right headspace. Here’s the mess that came from this. Enjoy!

Laughter. Tears. Change. Growth. Memories. Walking in gifts and newfound identity. Intimacy with the Lord. Amazingly genuine community of young people out to serve Jesus in Missions. All crammed into 5 1/2 months.

It’s been difficult to process what the heck happened in those 48-72 hours of getting the news and coming back to the states. It’s hard to see what’s next (especially when the future of our Race is still undetermined thanks to Coronavirus), but I trust that God knows exactly what He’s doing, even if I can’t see it.

On March 13th, 2020, Adventures in Missions started to bring home nearly 600 missionaries from the field due to increasing travel restrictions and closing borders.

We got an email on Friday, March 13th, letting us know that we would be coming home 5 months earlier than planned and to hang tight for further instructions. Less than 10 hours later, we had itineraries to bring Z Squad back to the US (the very next afternoon).

I wasn’t prepared for this. In fact, if you had’ve talked to me during those first couple days, I wasn’t sure I could handle reentry; especially an incredibly early one with such extreme circumstances. But God was prepared for it and for the mess that was/is me. He loves me a lot and He knew this was going to happen before He called me into this and He is the God of comfort (Matthew 6).

Now, I am seeing just how much the States needed 500+ beaming lights of Jesus, even if it’s over the internet (ya know, social distancing and all). How cool and powerful is that?

One month later, I’m still feeling a lot of emotions and processing a lot of things with the Lord—although, I’m definitely better than I was. Some days are really great and other days I miss my team, my squad, ministry, or just life on the field (even some of the rough stuff).

However, I didn’t sign up for the World Race to be easy and this is just another piece of that. Also known as always living on mission—“ministry is life, life is ministry.” We’re basically living our lives in a mode of “okay Lord, what-or who is my ministry today? How can I serve you where I am with what I’ve been given TODAY?”

I’m really excited to see what God is doing in the lives of so many and what He’s going to do in my life. He’s been speaking some really cool things the past 7 months and continues to reveal little things about Himself, me, and His plan for my life.

I look forward to sharing all of the stories, adventures, hard stuff, fun stuff and everything in between in person (or virtual if you want!! Reach out, I’d love to chat and catch up). Love you all!

Z Fam, We thought we were going to have 5 months to prepare for this goodbye but, like we’ve gotten used to the past several months, it’s another change of plans, of locations, of ministry duties. I love each of you a whole lot and I expect to keep in touch just like we did when we were just strangers on a group chat. For real, if you need a listening ear; reach out!! 

See you all real soon! 

6 responses to “5 Countries in 6 Months”

  1. Good to hear from you. You have been on my heart. God always has a plan even when it’s not the plan we thought it was going to be. Praying for you.

  2. Thank you so much for following and supporting me!! I appreciate the prayers and the words of encouragement! I’m definitely grateful for what the Lord has been teaching me during this season.

  3. It’s really worked out, God has worked it all out and I’m incredibly grateful for the lessons I’ve learned through this!

  4. Hearing the stories of re-entry has really touched my heart. Praying for guidance and direction as you take your next steps.